Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Thinking about birth, fx I make it to term to have an option, I'm looking into both a vbac and a family centered c-section. Both have their pros and cons medically and I'm well aware, but I need to go through my personal p&c to these. Pro for a vbac are many; immediate contact, bonding, breastfeeding, no long surgical recovery. Cons are more about how my cervix may behave and that worry cost me the birth place I really wanted, home with my midwife. :( Pros of a family centered c-section; I know what to expect, I can request an OB I'm comfortable with to do the surgery, mother friendly aspects of post natural birth. Cons is will this REALLY happen. How do I know it's not all 'lip service' to get me to agree and then it's business as usual once on the table. So, it comes down to trust, something that I really don't have a lot of in regards to Kaiser in general and most of the staff hasn't really done much of anything to deserve it. 

I'm thankful for the help I'm getting to locate a facility that has this style of practice in place, there isn't anything wrong or dangerous about it so I'm hoping it's available. If not, the other option is to wait until labor is very well under way and refuse a c-section. I'd prefer a more positive environment than that. 

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