Saturday, September 29, 2012


I'm so glad I decided to create a blog. I need the freedom to vent without worrying about who I may offend. Not that I would intentionally but I have a right to my own fears that no one will ever truly understand. 

Counting to down to cerclage time: The dreaded cerclage that I was hoping to avoid but forced into since it's either that or do nothing. It's pretty much the same thing as doing nothing, I wouldn't be surprised to experience a failure due to my cervix dilating right passed it like it's not even there. Yet OBs left and right say it'll be fine. Of course it will be fine for them, it'll be grand for THEM, they don't have to pick up the pieces of shattered lived when another child is needlessly lost. On to golf games on the weekend and spending time with family like nothing happened. Name a time when a doctor offered to cover the cost of a funeral for their botched and pathetic efforts placing a crappy cerclage? I'll wait..........................

Here's to embracing this piece of shit cerclage on the 8th. I even picked out a name; dollar menu. It's cheap, lazy, pathetically put together and inferior in quality, it even has McDonald in the name. Fits perfectly in my opinion. 

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